You are what You read - August 2022
Published: Mon, 08/29/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 144 | Aug 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, If I have to choose one buzzword for this August 2022, that is Energy. The…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about EPN Consulting
Published: Mon, 08/29/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 144 | Aug 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, If I have to choose one buzzword for this August 2022, that is Energy. The…
Published: Sun, 07/31/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 143 | July 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, We have been reading about Climate Change for years, but not many people…
Published: Thu, 06/30/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 142 | June 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, Last month, at the bottom of the EPN Consulting Newsletter you may have…
Published: Thu, 06/02/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 141 | May 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, In these weeks we have been e periencing severe disruptions at airports in…
Published: Mon, 05/02/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 140 | April 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, Last week I was in Brussels (again) and I had to travel to an area I have…
Published: Wed, 03/30/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 139 | March 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, Yesterday after two long years I enjoyed attending a conference in…
Published: Wed, 03/02/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 138 | Feb 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, Those who regularly read my editorial know that since its beginning in…
Published: Mon, 01/31/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 137 | Jan 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, We are all pretty bored with hearing about the Covid-19 statistics,…
Published: Thu, 12/23/21
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 136 | Dec 2021 Editorial Dear Colleague, Despite the complicated times we have been living in the last 21 months, I…
Published: Tue, 11/30/21
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 135 | Nov 2021 Editorial Dear Colleague, Here we are again: since today, 30th Nov 2021, from 4am GMT to enter the UK…