You are what You read - June 2023
Published: Fri, 06/30/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 154 | June 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, As you can read below in this newsletter, on 15 June 2023 we at EPN…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about EPN Consulting
Published: Fri, 06/30/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 154 | June 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, As you can read below in this newsletter, on 15 June 2023 we at EPN…
Published: Wed, 05/31/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 153 | May 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, We often read that conventional transport is highly responsible for…
Published: Sun, 04/30/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 152 | Apr 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, As many of my friends and colleagues know, I travel by plane often across…
Published: Wed, 03/29/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 151 | Mar 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, In these recent weeks I have travelled a lot across Europe spending an…
Published: Mon, 02/27/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 150 | Feb 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, This is the 150th issue of the monthly newsletter that started in September…
Published: Mon, 01/30/23
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 149 | Jan 2023 Editorial Dear Colleague, A few days ago I read a piece of news on my home city, Turin (NW Italy):…
Published: Tue, 12/27/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 148 | Dec 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, A few days ago, I was thinking about Urban Mobility as this topic affects…
Published: Wed, 11/30/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 147 | Nov 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, A couple of days ago I was reading the latest issue of the Economist…
Published: Mon, 10/31/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 146 | Oct 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, The issues of energy costs, availability, markets trade, etc. have been…
Published: Fri, 09/30/22
The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 145 | Sept 2022 Editorial Dear Colleague, When I attended a mobility and transport conference in London in 2018 I…